
 Monday 8th January 2024
1. What is the purpose of news?
educate,inform,profit,persuade,entertain,share news with the public 

2. how was news shared historicly? conversation 

Tabloid: pictures 



rupert murdoch-
  • The Sun.
  • The Times.
  • The Sunday Times.
the main aim of newspapers is to make money 
the conntent is whatever is popular

Newspapaers and their online publication (example of synergy/convergence) are not legally obliged to provide an un-biased public information service 

there are ethical and moral codes of press conduct but the printed press is self regulatory industry 

1. trust 
2. rupert murdoch

       Wednesday 15th January 2024
1. scotts trust 
4.lord rothermere 

how does meida onership contribute to new bias?:
politcal opinion of owner 
commercial advertising ties 
busieness intrests of owners/friends 

The TImes -centre right 
The daily telegram- right wing 
The Daily mail - right wing 

how do newspapers make money:
-events & other sales 
-sponsored content 

Monday 29th January 2024
-Protect privay 
-hold newspaper to account 

-bias avoided 
-no control- so they can investigate sensitive areas 

LO:To investigate the audience for the OBSERVER publication 
-social media
-in the shops 

Who owns the guardian/observer? the scott trust 
what polictical stance do they have? centre left 
how are they regulated? ipso 
how do they money? ads sales 
they dont have a paywall so more people can acsess it 

age range  15-35 gender 55% male where they live 

social class political view 

values intrests 

convergence- making a product available across different platforms, in order to reach different audiences

this applies to the observer because they now have a wider range of media such as websites which apeals to a wider range of audience because more people can acsess it and can have more information and content as needed

Monday 5th February 2024 
Newspapers are funded by the public buying  them in shops but they also can be funded on socail media by ads and subscriptions.    

Media Language

-easy acsess 
-nothing needs to be printed 
-not having to pay(public)

-publcnot having to pay (company)

liberalism-The fundamental liberal ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, the right to due process, and equality before the law are widely accepted as a common foundation of liberalism

internationalism-The United Nations is an example of internationalism as it is an international body that is focused on the cooperation of nations with a particular focus on peace and prosperity

patriarchy-a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it

racism-the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another

celebrity culture-Celebrity culture is a high-volume exposure to celebrities' personal lives on a global scale. It is inherently tied to consumer interests where celebrities transform their fame to become product brands


1) the masthead uses a the font style of serif which makes the paper look more formal and organised 

2)low angle photo which suggests power 

Do Now:
-easy acsess 
-dont need tech to acsess 

Political bias 

owned by the  gaudian media group 
newspaper of the year 

presentation people culture places race gender sexuality class
many examples of differant cultures 

varity of features 

choice of text/image placement & size 

left wing- front cover surporting ukrane -a country needing help 

Monday 26th February 2024
1)font, arranging of letters 
2)how the newspapers placed om the page
4)the title 
5)the section of the top pf the newspaper 

Historical Case Studies 

-The Guardian would stay the same 

1. "Lawyers will urge divorce by consent"-women have more rights social change more towards gender equality patriartcall socitey 
2. "Wilson-brown market cash" political nes story surronding europe + releionships with britain -complex relations 
3."So polite, north sea spy game"cold war-soviet union, america 
4."Jackie were very happy" only woman on the frnt page, shs only on there for her marriage made on news because it was uncommon 
5."Unions postpone strike"social power barbara castle- female polition only female with power shown promoting an equal gender pay social change 
6."Briton shoots gold"
7. "Stepan pollock...with elizabeth vambe,21, a rhodiesm-born african"

Wednesday 4th March 2024
1.-navigation bar 
3-pull quoate 
4-standfirst- paragraph 
5- masthead- title of a newspaper 

The Cold War-The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II

Vietnam war-Phsical war. death cease fire, movement to opose goverment 
social power - confront + critisise goverment 

Monday 11th march 2024
LO:To evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historic contexts on 1960s
newspapers.To structure an exam style question

Explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in which they were published. Refer to the observer front page from October 20th 1966 that you have studied to support your answer

The Observer cover from the 1960s reflects gender inequality at the time. 'Jackie: we're very happy' this shows how women are represented and that shes the only women on the whole cover and is only on there for her marriage. This showed how unfairly women were represented.

In the observer cover it reflects racism because of the headline 'Briton shoots gold'  

Monday 18th March 2024
Exam Format
LO:to explore the exam format &content for the News Unit   

Question 6
1. Globalisation 

Question 7 
the reason why print newspapers survive is because older generations still buy them because its like tradition to them. another reason why print is still in use is because some people may not have accsess tio the internet whch makes newsaper on of the only ways they can acsess the news 

Question 8

the underrepresented social group on he cover of the observer is gender. in the skybox a women is represented which is rare for newspapers,she is presented as confident aswell as being strong by standing us to the BBC 

Question 9 
L media language
I industry 
A audience 
R representation

Genre- Type of newspaper Tabloid Broadsheet
The media language of the observer refelcts the conventions of a broadsheet

Do Now
  1. conventions of tabloid- red&white masthead, 2 paragraphs, 
  2. conventions of broadsheet- 5+ paragraphs, 3 articles 
  3. broadsheet 
Monday 25th March 2024 
Guided practice Q9

-introduction- copy(amount of writing)
masthead in black n white 
image , headline 

P1- Masthead-bold serif black n white capital & lowercase serious - b&w serif- tradional element 

P2- Image- mid shot, press conference, staged photograghy
rishi sunak + american politation 
positive image- body language, shaking hands 
suits--> formal
Hard news - positive - expected in the industry for a broadsheet 

the observer cover reflects generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper by having a large amaount of writing with a black nd white mastead and one main image and a formal headline.

The masthead being in black and white make thr cover more serious and by having the  masthead in capitals it makes it 

in concluision these shows how it fits the conventions of a broadsheet newpaper 

Monday 15th April 2024
Do Now
1. media language, industry, audience, representations 
2. cold war 
3. war-ukraine, accepting-sexuality- multicultural

PPE Exam Dirt 
LO: To reflect on the exam and identify areas to improve 

Question 6 - Age

Question 7 - internet too complex 
-no law/central regulater 
Question 8- the high porportion of news copy on the front page 
-the serif font masthead 
Question 9- the representtaions on the cover of the observer. for example the main image shows equal gender representation. the image is of two tennis players on court 
Question 10-poor photography, poor printing quality, racism and gender 

Monday 29th April
Do Now
  1. many images, bright colors, little writing 
  2. alot of writing, serious news content
  3. the observer- broadsheet newspaper,
Modern Analysis
LO: To explore the contexual issues of news in a modern newspaper

The observer cover reflects generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper.An example of this is in the formal masthead 

Context- the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood

1. Wars- Russia/Ukraine, Palestine/Israel 
2. Lifestyle- equality, less patriarchal, less racism e.g multicutral articles about racism, blm protest
3. Technolgy-more advaced,mobile phones,printing,internet 
4. Consumerism-buying things, fame+celebrity e.g garden furniture 

Question 10
The observer cover from today depicts the contextual issue of strikes and how the NHS is suffering because of it. An exaampe of this is seen in the main cover line "hospitals in frantic bid to fill gaps left bt doters strike." This indicates that is todays society we value  


  1. 8/1/24- Some good notes, T: try to finish off all notes on all tasks. Even if in brief.

  2. 5/2- Good answers. 3/4- you need to give full explanations using correct terminology such as circulation or sales of print newspapers.

  3. 22/4-absent from the lesson, please read through the lesson on Q9, read the models and attempt a Q9 response.


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