Lights Camera Action

 Monday 1st November
LO -To apply narrative theory to our own ideas
3. Harry potter
5. Polar Express

Narrative Stages
Equilibrium-everything in the film world is normal 
disruption- something happens
recognition of disruption - the protagonist realise that something went wrong in their world or discover disruption

Task 1
Equilibrium- its set in a house next to a graveyard at night 
Disruption- there are a family that just bought a house and one of the siblings in the family starts seeing strange things
Recognition of Disruption- the sibling starts to see things move and things being taken and no where to be seen 
attempt to solve- so she told the family and eventually they start seeing it happen too 
new- so they left the house and looked in the grave yard 

Monday 15th November 2021
LO; To explore the use of camera work in films

extreme close up 

close up 

medium close up 

mid shot 

long shot 

establishing shot 

aerial shot/birds eye view 

what are the following camera shots angles and movements called?
2. pan 
3. truck 
4 . dolly 
5. extreme close up 
6. long shot 
7. medium close up 
8. establishing shot 
9.point of view shot  
10. high angle shot

Monday 29th November 2021
LO: To explore the use of setting and colour in films
1) a isolated is scary because its in he middle of nowhere and there is no one out to help you 
2) a huge city is not as scary because there will be someone out to help so that is why its good for action movies and series
3) a tiny seaside town is good for a romantic comedy and can be very social and quiet place for quiet movie 

1) blue and red is good for a a super hero costume because red represents strength and power but blue means trusting 
2) black is associated with mystery agression and sometimes death thats why its good for horror movies 
3) Bright colours represent sort of happiness or maybe easter

1) the action was taken place in a crash site, a city and the countryside
2) to add suspense
3) it transitions to different frames
4)it might affect them by they don't know where they are 
5) by the change of camera shots 
6) no because it wouldn't fit the genre of movie 
7) by the change of lighting and different areas
8) the technology and types of buildings 

the legend- it looks quite sandy so its like action and adventure and looks quite dull 
28 days later- the symbol looks like a toxic sigh and looks to be set in a city

the scientist which is set 1000 years ago i would associate this film with the colour green because it seem a bit mysteros and its a sci fi 

Monday13th December 2021
to explore diffrent styles of photography

Giants and Monsters
Where- Inside
Who- Abbie Paige Natasha
Who is Taking- Paige
Props- Camera 
where- classroom
who- Abbie Paige Natasha
who is taking- abbie
props- camera imac 

jump photo
where outside 
who is taking abbie
props camera

looking down 
where calssroom
who is taking natasha 
props- camera

ground level
 where outside 
who is taking paige 
props camera

Monday 10th January 2022

Horror film- halloween music breaking glass creaky doors screaming 

diegetic - diegetic is sound that comes from setting in the film 
non diegetic -sound that comes from our word 

diegetic- voices punches voices cat meows 
non diegetic - singing explosions  

most of the sounds that you hear is added after filming 
this is because 

gunshots door opening dog barking drop pf  box kicking the ball 
1 music yes 
2 makee s u feel engaded 
3 here more voices when mucis changes
4 people fighting or talking 
5 yes 
6 there is a moment of silence 
7 thw charater sound serious 
8 not sure what to do for voiceover 

Monday 24th January 
L/O To explore the use of mise-en-scene in films 
1.home alone
2.iron  man 
3.spider man 
4. titanic 
5 pirates of the Caribbean

That they play the guitar,they are a messy person

it is a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame 

setting and props
uses speculative, fictional science-based depictions of phenomena that are not fully accepted by mainstream science

romantic comedy
focusing on lighthearted, humorous plot lines centered on romantic ideas, such as how true love is able to surmount most obstacles

Horror film 
 incidents of physical violence and psychological terror

Costume hair & make up 
1. adventurer thats most probably in a Savannah or rough land 
2. she look like abit snobby and very girly 

facial expressions & body language 
1. very calm and civilised and just looks like a normal tea  
Lighting & colour 
it looks very dark like they are hiding or worried 
looks like it is set in a horror film so it is low-key lighting 
Lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes

produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas

Positionioning of people/objects
1looks quite stand off ish and is quite awkward 
2 looks abit intimidating and are brave 

Monday 7th February 2022
L/O:  To  experiment  with foley and sound effects

In this setting it shows 3 men standing at the dinner table looking like they need to inform someone the lighting is natural that makes it look realistic by using high-key lighting this shows is in the day is has posh setting the costumes are army uniform and the man in the middle was in worn down and their facial expressions and they look quite stand off ish characters are standing still and look like they are waiting 

Creative task
1000 years in the future- i would give the scientists test tubes and vibrant liquid with some high tech equipment and they would be wearing those white coats with the clear protective glasses and the lighting would be rlly bright and they would most probably be quite clean and stand leaning down

clip 1 draw opening voices wrappers mirror turning cutlery jam spreading lid opening breathing milk being put on the self zip.

Monday 28th February 2022
L/O To explore the disaster movie genre 

Disaster Movie 
The Mist 
1 male
2 the mist the main charater had to save his daughter
3 the mist falls into an anelan type attack in a thick mist
4 the mist most of them survived 
5 they have to travel to a mall to get people 
6 they have most of the side charaters die 
1 male and female 
2 they had to try and save jack by putting him on the the but he was dumb and drowned 
3 naterl disaster
4 the girl survives and get found by the boat
5 they were travelaling on the titanic 
6 disasters both happen in them and one of the main chararters die 

2 setting
3 actions 
4 props 
5 color connatations 
6 narritive suggestions
7 text elements 
8 other genres included

My disaster movie ideas 
1.  Main Charaters: Maddie is 19 years old she has a part time job as a barista it is a seaside cafe 
2.   The disater all water drained one day and the ocean 
3.  the 3 other characters rue  ollie kat 

Monday 14th March 2022
L/O; to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 
 A day after tomorrow
3 the impossible 
4 war of the worlds 
6 Twister

Trailer 1 
-Characters- Dan pawketty, Dr Ginnerson
- setting- its in a university 
-Actions-to pretend there isnt a comet coming down 
-props- computers cars and microphones
-Color - bright lighting 
-Narrative- Two low-level astronomers must go on a giant media tour to warn mankind of an approaching comet that will destroy planet Earth.

Trailer 2
-Characters- maddie noah 
- setting- georgia
-Actions- the kid is kidnapped 
-props- costumes 
-Color - quite yellow 
-Narrative- family trying to escape comets 

1. its set on a beachsidde town and a tunami comes and washes the town away and her and her family gets separated 
2.set in the 21st centry (2010) a quate seaside town with lots of markets and shops 
3.quite action thrilling and emoienional 
4. will be alot of special effects for example the tumnami and the wreckage of buildings save the people from the other side of the tusnarmi 

Monday 25th April 2022
LO; To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

A family gets separated by a tumnami and have to find their way back to each other
they have to survuve with nothing and leave off leftovers

im hungry

lost cat


the tsunami 

the family gets split and the tsunami destroys the town 

maddie; should we build a sand castle noah? 

noah;yeah ill grab the bucket 
maddie;i get the spade

noah;what is that
noah points at a humungous wave 

Monday 9th April 2022    industry
L/O- to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles 
-warner brothers 
film industry jobs 
  • Director
  • Producer
  • Set Designer
  • Director of Photography
  • Costume Designer
  • Prop Master
  • Makeup Artist
  • Movie Editor

director-one who directs: such as. a  the head of an organized group or administrative unit  salary - 250k-2M
 $250K to $2M
movie editor- A Film Editor, or Video Editor, is responsible for turning uncut footage from a film shoot into a finished, cohesive final project

Director of photography- Directors of photography are responsible for the photographic heart of a production 


the wave
this poster uses dark colors which uses cold colors 
and uses a bold font to make it stand out. in the image there is a child in a parents arm this is to show how scary the situation is and shows how dangerous it is.                                                 

Monday 13th June 2022

Movie marketing

movie poster
backgroud image 
low light 


I couldnt find any photos to use but i half wat though a title and will be finshed in next lesson 

monday 11th july 

shot type-landscape
sound-crashingwaves aganist rocks 
sound dramatic music 


  1. 29/11- 1. more detail in the settings for the film idea, explain the choices you make.

  2. 4/1/22- excellent work here, T: 3. think about the backdrop and what is in it.

  3. 24/1/ Some good notes here, you have mis understood the first task, I will speak to you about each task.

  4. 15/3- Overall great ideas and they fit together well. T:1. More detail in summary of your storyline:
    2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  5. 25/4- Good start here. T: 4. Try adding stage directions to include how the dialogue is said and a little more to your script.

  6. 23/5- Very little work today, T4: go back through the work and all tasks must be completed.


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