Lego Movie

  Wednesday 14th September 2022

L/O- To understand the narritive and charaters in the lego movie 
-the old west
-cload coocooland
-dumble door 
-super man
-green lantern 
-uni ktty 

Emmet the construction worker was chosen as 'the special' which is where he has the lid to the glue on his back so the movies main objective was for lord business to glue everthing and stop change 

The main message was that every one in the movie was special instead of it just being one person 

Wednesday 21st September 2022

L/O-To reserch the process,companies and regulaters behind the film 

1. Distribution: refers to the process of distributing a movie to the public, typically to theaters. This is the part of the filmmaking process where the movie can work towards generating revenue. Exhibition: refers to the process of showing movies in theaters to the public.

2. A media conglomerate, or a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises
3.The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)
4 U rating
5. the video standards concil 
6. The Pegi Award for The Lego Movie Game is 7 years of age
7.Warner Bros Lin Pictures
8.Phil Lord and Christopher Miller
9.TT Fusion 
10.The Warner Bros. conglomerate
11.The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) 

Wednesday 28th September 2022
1.Classify products 
2. Ensures content of products meets acceptable standards

1.Regulation is important because it gives films age ratings so a 7 year old isnt watching a film made for 15 and above.
5. Warner brothers are most probably happy for films to have a U rating is so everyone can watch so therefore more people watching more money for them 
Vertical Integration
What Is Vertical Integration? Vertical integration is a strategy that allows a company to streamline its operations by taking direct ownership of various stages of its production process rather than relying on external contractors or suppliers.

Benefits of warner brothers owning various amounts of companys mean that they increase profits and makes the production process more efficient then them doing it by themselves because if they do it all by themselves they would have to get other company and then pay them but them owning companys in different areas makes them easier to get movies out faster and having to pay less and being paid their profits.
 postmodernism                                                                                                                           the lego movie is postmodernist film because they range in genres such as fantasy,sci-fi,action adventure etc. the lego movie also challenges charater roles like emmet from 

Equilibrium-Everyone in the city is following the intructions so every everthing is perfect 
Disruption-Emmet go off instead of going home and finds wild style and he finds the peice of resitence
Recognition of disruption-emmet finds out what the special is and the peice of ressitence 
Attempt to solve disruption- they try put the peice if resistance on the kragle but gets interrupted by the guards 
New Equilibrium-Everyone comes together and became freinds with lord buisenss and everyone uses creativty to fix it 

The Hero- Emmet
The Villain- Lord Business 
The Donor- Vitruvius 
The Helper- wildstyle
the princecess- wildstyle
the dispatcher- vitruvius 
the princess father- vitruvius
the false hero- Batman 

Wednesday 12th October 2022
L/O: to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics
-it appeals to young kids because it contains unikitty 
-it appeals to adults now because they most probably played with lego when they were young 

Zesty                                                                                                                                          -Has it got heart? yes people go to the cinema to to ether feel happy,sad or for a laugh. The lego movie is ment to be fun to watch the storyline makes it fun to watch with the that explores the meaning of love, partnership and humanity, The Lego Movie does what it needs to do.
-how is it all about you? the meaning of the story line is that there is not just one special but everyone is special and how you are special 
-how does it show that it knows its audience?  it has a very clear of who its speaking to in the movie there are a range of stuff that are for all audiences and age range.
- what are the building blocks of success? a brand will create entertaining content for consumers that will evently pay for the companys services / products . The lego marketing teams challenge was to make their move appealing to children but also adding humor for adults 
-what did lego do right? they partnered up with phil Lord and Christopher Miller to create a funny movie. They made it important that adults enjoyed the movie just as much as the children. 
-how has it laid the foundations for future success? finding their audience in the cinema at first will get the eager audience to buy a DVD that can be viewed several times, but as the grow up they would feel nostalgic about the films they watched, watching it again in their adult-hood, maybe even showing it to a younger relative, and the cycle repeats.
Tent pole production is a film surports finacal performance of a film stuido the lego movie is a tent pole prodution because incase it didnt profit. 
Wednesday 19th October 2022                                                                                                                  L/O-To explore marketing and production of the lego movie; to link the methods used to the target audience 
Ways to promote movies
-side of buses
- social media 
-movie premier 
Synergy                                                                                                                                                      -17 different world set
-16 collectable mini figures 
-the lego movie video game 
-sticker and activity books 
-each week in January 2014 there wads a new character posters 
scheduled linked events 
-free accessories  packs were available 
-video game released on 4th february 
-on the 7th february, McDonald's released collectable cups in happy meals 
-a website enabled fan to make versions of themselves 
7.27pm on sunday 9th February 2014 - five days before the movie launched -ITV broadcast a world first lego adbreak -british heart foundation , BT & Premier inn 
It was so successful because they practically had a whole ad break just for the lego movie and that the companies paid for the lego movie to make them be in the adbreak in lego. therefore this made this advert more intresing and caused more people wanting to see it from hereing about it so in the next week the lego adverts had over 1mil views on youtube therefore bringing in more revenue for the movie.
Wednesday 2nd November 2022                                                                                                               -Warner brothers wants there logo in lego because what the trailer is advertising is the lego movie      - There logo is shown at the start is because it impacts how people are gonna watch it 

Equilibrium- At the start where they are just following instructions                                                         Disruption- president business plans to put everyone asleep if they don't follow the instructions           Recognition of Disruption-emmet repeats it and say puts everyone to sleep?                                         Attempt to solve Disruption- the rest of the trailer is the attempt to solve disruption they have more time to show action 
2.the younger audience have a shorter attention span then older people 

CAMERAWORK -the close up shots are of the main
characters                                                       - to show where the movie is set                                                                                               - to show that they are like the good guys are the bad guys are below  
SOUND -To show the viewers what is going on in the trailer because without it you wouldn't understand whats going on                                                                                                       - to make the action seem more dramatic in the trailer                                                            - its used by adding action music and a voiceover to make it seem more interesting  
EDITING-The pace of the trailer goes quite fast and seem to speed up in the middle              - can appeal to parents                                                                                                             - to make you pay attention to those points more 
MISE-EN-SCENCE-They show what type of genre but there are multiple locations so it looks a bit mixed up                                                                                                                                                   - It is very colourful and bright so this would be targeted to the younger audience                               -tells them what type of jobs they work as 
Wednesday 16th November 2022  

denotations- batman,smoke,fire shaped bat in the building, broken building             connotations-the could show destruction, the bat shape in the building is showing that batman is something to do with the fire                                               the light to show that he is important and a main character
The Lego Movie videogame is less chaotic than the movie poster and the wrench in emmets hands suggests that u have to building which gives it some creativity and would be aimed at a younger audience and has a bright colour pallet which makes it look appealing. and the red tone on lord business and the angry face shows he is the bad guy and way that he is shown is like he towering over them showing that he maybe has more power then them and the other characters are in like a heroic pose. 
Wednesday 23rd November 2022 

Explain how The Lego Movie theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to its target audience. 
 In the Lego Movie poster it is presented to a wide range of the audience we know this because of the bright colors that would appeal to the younger audience by having charaters such as uni kitty which is a fantasy charater.                                                                                                                                                     
Wednesday 30th November 2022                DIRT

Wyldstyle Representation
sterotypical- makeup,hair dye,eyelashes,eyebrows
Anti-sterotypical- fighting, quite serious, black clothing,driving motorbike,

Wednesday 7th December 2022 
how age is presented in the lego movie posters by giving president business with wrinkles to show that he is older than wyldstyle and emmet 
promatioal marketing 
Learn more about the charaters 
video game extends the life-longer to play 
coventation tralier of 2-3 min 
promotes movie 
intro to charaters 
voice over 


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