Music Magazines

 Monday 20th March 2023 

TV-Future PLC's group of weekly television listings magazines
Radio Times-Immediate media 
TV choice- H. Bauer Publishing
Take a break-H Bauer UK
Good housekeeping-jane francisco
Glamour- Condé Nast Publications
Inside soap-Hearst Magazines

It operates worldwide and owns more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations, as well as print shops, postal, distribution and marketing services. Bauer has a workforce of approximately 11,000 in 17 countries

Monday 17 April 2023 

heavy metel 

1. people the play rock music are known for having long wavy hair and normaly where a dark colour palette but they do not all have the same style because the genre has subgenres that have diffent styles to theyre music 

2.they normal use electric gutiers and they are very loud but the music is very energetic 

1. They are all wearing bright colours with quite alot of makeup on 

2.The genre is normaly upbeat and catchy 

hiphop music 
1.they normal wear baggy clothing and they normal have a worn look to them like theyve had them for years 

2hiphop music is rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted. Beats, almost always in 4/4 time signature, can be created by sampling and/or sequencing portions of other songs

target audience
hip-hop is most popular among 16-24-year-olds and listeners

magazines & radio 
the source 
hiphop stop 

Opra as she is wearing smart clothes and her hair out of the way that makes her look smarter 

Monday 15th May 2023
Music Magazines

Billboard is a pop magazine, this is clear from having a famous pop artist on the front cover, however the cover also reinforces the ideals of pop. The ideals of pop as upbeat, catchy, fun and female lead these are seen in the cover. The colours are light and upbeat, there are flowers in the artists head, which give a feeling of spring, and happiness. 

Typography- Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader

Layout- the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out

Lexis- the actual words 

Colour palette- A range of colours 

Mise-en-scene- the arrangement of the scenery, props etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film


5th June 


this magazine cover apeals to people who like rock music and are probably older 

Monday 19th  June 2023

Props- Violin- shows that she is playing music.
Colour Palette- bland, neutral- sophisticated audience.
Costume and make up- Natural colours, to show the focus on music rather than her image.

Mojo Audience
Genre-classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental
Publisher-Bauer Media 
Target Audience-30to45

-the luxuery brands have beeen the modt sucsesful in the online media 
-they use high 

mojo covers established musicions because the audience is for older people every month mojo brings out a 

Niche Audience:a very specific target audience as opposed to a mass audience 

mojo is diffrant to most magazines as mostly men read it and it has a mix of classes 

Monday 17th July 2023
Representation & Target Audience

Monday 11th September 2023
Do Now 
image 1:
the magazine is aimed at males and females beacause the cover uses gender neutual colors 

image 2:
Education-posh,musical education, sophicated, langage specilised language- linked to music 

Mojo U&G 

1.It is far more active as a readerr:you can choose which bits to read,skips or reraed and you also get to choose what magazine you want 

2. Again it is far more active a process as readers can look at covers,decide which apeal to an audience

Use and Gratifications
-Personal Identity 
-Social interaction

A moja magazine reader may gain an aspect of personal identity from thhis magazine as madonna this shows a sense of rebillion and by hving the cross shows that is almost disrespecting the religion 


The readers know that its an information magazine and can know what its about by just raeding the cover which tells them the context of what going to inside of the magazine and can if the reader want to read the magazine 


The reader can know its an entertainment magazine because its more bold and also having eye catching cover lines that suggest entertainment and by including a cd it its more entertaining because you get to listen to new music as well as reading the magazine in the first place and if they like the cd it can influence for them to buy another magazine related to the cd.

thsi magazine cover shows social interaction 

Monday 18th September 2023
this cover show a specfic music taste of rock music alos on this cover it shows information about dave grohl aswell as some other band and musicion. Mojo magazines also include a free cd 
Music industry: Q1 and Q2 
  1. Ofcom 
  2. BBC
  3. broadcast for the public 
  4. convergence
  5. Diversification
  6. conglomerate
Q2. The way raido stations meet the requirements for public broadcasting is by having well known artists on raido that can be used on anything so theres a wide range of people that can listen to it radio 1 live lounge meet this standard by using upcoming artists which help the artists into people seeing there work 

Music Video 
In Teenage dirtbag and skater boi the teenagers are repreasent very diffently as the teenagers in teeenage dirtbag have popluer peolplr and a varity fo peoplle 

Monday 25th September 2023 

Mojo Magazine
mojo magazine attracts their audiences by having free CDs which will 1/4

The bbc radio has provide a wide range of content because there audience age range is 15-29 so that means they have to have newer music and populer artists play instead of artists from years ago. they also play uocoming artists 

Monday 2nd October 2023
Do Now language -Mise en scene, camera work sound & editing 
2.Industry is business (in media)
3.Audience-people who see, read the media 
4. representation-how its presented to an audience 
5. Context-What is going on at the time 

Teenage dirtbag- american highschool
popular girl-popular, close up and slow camera shots to show importance 
loser- comstume , editing,overlooked
jock-close up shots showing importance , positioning of background charaters 

Sk8ter boi- city 
rebelious- the ilegal gig on top of a car in the middle of the road 
mise en scene- low angle shot t show respect 

the rep resentation in the music viideo are diffrnt becanse in skater boy all the tee are rebelious this is show by them having an ilegal gig on top of a car in the middle of the road  

but in teenage dirtbag there is avarity o 

Monday 9th October 2023

How are the musicians represented on the cover of the mojo magazine.

The representats in the mjo magazine are that of a depressed person with a troubled past who is questioning his path. This is seen in the text used 

black and white -old man - serious

The cover of mojo magazine showss that age is repressented through the use of havinng the man in black in white which makes him apear older 

Monday 30th October 2023
Do now 
  1. what is shot type ? the camera shot that is used in the main image,long shot,medium shot or close up 
  2. what is type face ? the design style of the text that is used 
  3. what is colour palette ? the colours that are used throughout the cover 
  4. what is lexis ? the words that are used in the cover lines
  5. what is a masthead? the name of the magazine 

  • babyboomer generation- a person born in the years following the second world war when there was a temorary marked increase in the birth rate 
  • diversfication-the process of varying products 
  • audience address- how the text speaks to the audience address- how the text speaks to the audience and involves and influences them 
  • discerning- having or showing good judgement 
  • house style- a company preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material 
Media language:
  • the codes and coventions of music magazine covers 
  • the genre codes and conventions of music magazine covers 
  • how intertextuality can be used to be used to influence meaning 
  • layout 
  • typography 
  • colour palette  
  • images 
  • use of lexis 
  • how meida language portrays reality 
  • connotations from. the media language choices 
  1. what type of shot is the main image? close up 
  2. why was this shot type used? what is it showing? thsi shot type is used for him to apear larger and shows emotion in the persom 
  3. Does the text use a formal or informal register? formal 
  4. what does that choice of register connote?

Monday 6th November 2023
Changes in gender roles, attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism

-medium long shot 
-david bowie 
-vibrant, pink, blue, purple, yellow, white -pastel, feminine, satuated 
-7 artists menions + bowie 
- uppercase, san serif, shadow, bold
- uppercase, serif, bold, differant colours
-uppercase, san serif, bold, black and white 
-uppercase, serif
-pink &  white same as the puff
-layout and text placement fits genre codes and conventions 

The colour pallette on this music magazine is vabrant and satuated and uses colurs like pink, purple,blue,yellow and white. these colours have been used to challege gender roles and to break the sterotype by using femine colours. The minor cover lines feature 7 other artists, these are predominantly male, this connotes that the magazine is promoted  for a male audience. 

In contrast, to the mojo magazine the wire uses an muted colours which apear lifeless this is to make the magazine to look formal. the colours used are oppisite to mojo as they are natural which  are used to make the magazine masculine. 

Monday 13th November 2023
Do Now 
1. BBC 
2. Tv lisence 
3. Ofcom 
4. public service broadcasting- for the benifit of the public 
5. comercail radio- make money from adverts 
 public service broad casting- for the benefit of the public 

1. songs: original and songs 
(oliva dean covering) beyonce- cuff it 
Dive- Oliva Dean 

2. guest info 
worked with rudimental before, her first solo number on the live lounge 

3. quates from the show to remember 
-not my first rodeo 
presenters keep it informal 
4. apeal to TA
chat to younger artists and the younger artists and they keep it informal 
5. Inform, entertain and educate 
standing ovavation for her performance. uses up and coming artist to introduce the audience to new music ,live music and live band with her 

6. innovative and cutting edge new UK music? 
 Olivia Dean                                                         

who does it appeal to?
15-29 yr olds 

how does it apeal ?
by using informla language
which kind of audience are targeted here? 
younger audience 

how else do radio 1 appeal to audiences ?
having live music and using upcoming artists 

how is comercial radio differant? 
the purrpose is to make monay of ads 

who are their audience ?
thay are a mass audience 

how to they appeal to the audience?
uses older presenters and formal language (talk about global situations)

she meets the remit by being in the age gap of the target audience, shes an upcoming artist, she sfrom the uk, she played live in the live lounge 

Monday 20th November 2023
Do Now 
  1. genre codes-type e.g magazine, music vid, radio  
  2. intertextuality- referance to another media text e.g batman in lego movie
  3. typography- type of fonts 
  4. connotations- meaning 
  5. lexis- words 
  6. more gender equality, multi cultrual society, technoligy 
lo to explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video 

1. Female-young, revealing clothing, direct audience address image,mid shot 
2. yellow- warm, satuated, golden, idea of respect and wealth 
3 san serif- modern, clean, lower case, colloiqual, relaxed and informal 
4. simplifed- relaxed, informal 

1 male- young, covered, suits(60s clothing)

The media language in billboard magazine is diferant to mojo magazine by the colure palette used.
in the billboarrd magazine yellow and gold has be used to present the woman to be respected and to show wealth. However, the ,mojo magazines uses bright rainnbow colours which in the 60s was linked to psychedelics.

Teenage Dirtbag
-popular groups-jocks, respected- low angle 
-Geeks- not respected, victim of bullying 
St8ter Boi 
-rebellious, fun, energetic, female leader, equality, respected female, city setting 
loow angle used to make them look inportant 



  1. 17/4- Great work today, well done. Check on your capital letters in your sentences.

  2. 5/6- Good start on the work today. T: 1. Pick out key examples of media language to analyse and link to audience appeal.

  3. 18/9- Good notes from the tasks, T: Q2- try to give two e.g. that are explained to get full marks.

  4. 10/10- Good start. T: 2.Give examples from the text using media language terminology.


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