
 Wednesday 3rd May 2023
LO-To explore possible tasks and research similar products  

1.Create a front cover and double page spread article for health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year-olds which will cover a variity of topics including fitness,wellbeing   

1. different workouts or quotes 
2.models doing a sport or doing yoga 
3.they use a light colour scheme often used is white but can be different 
4.the masthead is a the top of the magazine and uses a bold font normaly which would be of the model 
6. about 5-8
7.the barcode is along the bottom on the left side with prices normal on the back 
8.2-3 and all variey in size make people look at the the information inside the puff 

10.the have an image ether central or on one page with information on the other side 
11.they are used to keep the readers attention 
12. they are the mainly all the same font and are bigger when covering images 
13.they are organised to either explain the image next to them (if there is one) or to create structure and by having the texts splits up it makes it more likely for the reader to read it all 

1. the house style of the magazine womens health is mainly red and blue and uses a range of differant fonts using bolder fonts to make u pay attention to it 
2.the womens health is high production as they have celebritys and is put together better than a low quality one 

Wednesday 14 June 2023 
-shot type-mid shot 

Wednesday 13th September 
how my cover is going to have a massthead going down the side and with cover lines in the other side 

Wednesday 27th  september 2023
Do Now 
  1. . eat less move more
  2. The key to a healthy life is having a healthy mind
  • teen fitness, teen health
  • ?
  • ?
  • neurtal colours 
  • ?

Wednesday 1st November 2023
Do Now 
-How to...
Article Writing 


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