Music Industry

Monday 3rd October 2022 

Live Lounge

Commercial Radio: Selling, Advertising,make money, mass/large audience

PSB Radio- BBC -> Benefit of the public, not for profit, TV license - funds radio  
more on news and topic of conversation and audience 

Monday 17th October 2022
Radio for benefit of the public BBC-> Educate, inform, entertain
Funding-public- TV license      
BBC Radio 2 
- music 
-news, weather 
-topics of conversation 
-audience engament   

  Monday 7th November 2022   
Thomas Grennan born 8 June 1995 
 Bedford and is based in London
occupation- singer, songwriter 
genre- alteritive/indie 
current albums/songs- 'not over yet'

Monday 21st November 2022

  1.10 national 
2.50 regional  
3. licence fee
4.cable or satellite 
5. BBC 2 BBC 4 heart BBC 1 Capital (capital)
6. in the car, on your phone 

Radio 1-15-29 
radio 2 -35 
Radio 4 - 54


this image shows that radio 1 is for the younger audience as the younger genration as no 50 year old would listen to the latest songs. 

political context is where 

Monday 5th December 2022 
-15-29 year olds 
-artist emerging(new) 
-live music 
- young adults 

the use of bright colour reflects it  to be joyful and welcoming this makes it more appealing and more people would listen such as young adults ranging from 15-29 year olds. 

BBC Radio 1 use 

Funded by TV license (BBC argument) 
-reflect diversity by presenters  and cater for all 
-15-29 younger audience as no one else does that 
-live music on live lounge 

Not funded (political decision makers) 
-mainstream music doesn't educate or inform 

Convergence-Media convergence is a term that can refer to the merging of previously distinct media technogies and media forms due to digitisation and computer networking 

what advantage is there for the BBC Vevo or the audience 

Ofcom regulates radio (checks if the radio is okay)

Monday 30th Jan 2023
Champion UK artists- Radio 1 feature up and coming UK artists who aren't that well known.- E.G Inhaler and Romy played their first Live lounge this year. 

Offers a range of new music 

Question 1 

Q1-vertical intergrattion 


Q3- TV lisence 

Question 2 

Q1 have a range of different music 

Q2 the radio meets the reqirements by enteraining the public by using music from diffent times but also having the latest music 

Q3 The radio can be passive 

Question 3 
the BBC proid live performeces which creates a wider audience and promotes smaller singers 

Wednesday 8th February 2023

She is in a bathtub of diamonds which shows shes weathy 

her hair is messy 

shes sucsesful 

shows off her status 

her clothing makes her look not respected as much as others amd makes her look like a 'tomboy' the setting looks like it could at a skate park or in a city the lighting looks very over exposed lighting which makes her llok even more pale her hair and makeup 

Wednesday 1st March 2023 
the girl in the video wearing the red dress,red cometates love and could be foreshadowing a releionship.

The music videos for Avril lavigne's Sk8er boi and wheatus teenage dirtbag uses setting and costume to achieve similar effects. For example, Teenage dirtbag is set in a a highschool in america where the boys dresses geeky and stands out from the others this is to tie in with the narrative of the music video. However, sk8ter boi is the oppisites to 


S- Shot type 
A- Angle 
M- Movement

Monday 6th March 2023 
background-Born in Detroit, Michigan, she moved to Houston with her family when she was ten years old. After college she moved to Minneapolis, where she began her recording career in hip hop music
age- 34
where shes from- detroit
genre- hip-hop 
songs- about damn time 2022

original song special- covers topics of injustice, gender inequality 

inform-lizzos 4th time apearing on live lounge. entertains through her comical reponces to questions its a tune informs she plays the flute and shows her skills.talks about background and shares anecdotes with the presenters/listeners 

Wednesday 8th March 2023

sk8ter boi is expressionistic 
teenage dirtbag is naturalistic 

1. using POV shot is it used to show that she is main intrest is on her instead of the girls in the beginning 
2. they used a long shot to show the sign saying loser and showing no one is around him 
3.high angle to show shes center and to show the people around her 
4.low angle at a wide angle to show the people hes walking with and showing that he popular 
5. dutch angle 

There are lots of differant shots and angles being uesd in theses videos i think they use these differant angle to show

sk8ter boi- frantic,fast, chaotic 
teenage dirtbag- slow,calm,smooth,natural 

the camera movement is teenage dirtbag is naturalistic for example, at one point in the video, it uses smooth camerawork to make it look natural this camera work fits the tone of the song because its to match the narrative of the song. 

The camera movement in sk8ter boi is expressionistic for example, at one point in the video, it uses high shot angles and frantic movement this is to make the camera work fit the narrative of the song.

Wednesday 19th April 2023

Male-go to work,blue,short hair,sports 
Female-housework,makeup, pink,cooking,long hair 

the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object 

Sexual objectification 
Sexual objectification is when a male/female views another male/female primarily as an object of sexual desire, rather than as a person 
Physical appearance/attractiveness is focused on  

Sk8ter Boi 
teenagers are represented as rebellious and just doesn't abide by the rules 
ethnicity in skater boy is just white people and no one with different race is represented 

Teenage Dirtbag 
the main character is represented as the loser of the school with people going round the school making an L on there forehead calling him a loser and when the girl walks past he doesn't say anything suggesting he shy and doesn't have much confidence the music video has a prodomently white people in the video sexuality is straight in both videos 

Wednesday 26th April 2023 
LO-to explore and practice exam style questions 

4 Mark Question
Compare how gender representations are constructed in music videos refer to two music videos you have studied to support your answer? 

In the music video skater boy, avril lavine is represented as a tomboy this is shown  because she wears darker colour clothes and they are not revealing and challenges the typical female sterotype.
However, in the music video teenage dirtbag the girl surports the female stereotypes because she wears bright colours like a pink and often seen in revaling clothing.

10 Mark Question
Explain how stereotypes are used in music videos. Refer to two music videos you have studied to support your answer?  

Stereotypes are used in music videos because they are easily recognisable and so help the audience understand the narrative. For example, in Sk8er Boi, they use a stereotypical representation of males as active,rule-breakers and interested in girls. This is shown through them often skating,biking or driving, often in place they shouldn't be (like on the rooftops),and filming the pretty girl in the car. This fits in with the teenage stereotypes also used. For example, teenagers are also represented as rebellious and out of control this shown throughout the video and also shown riotous when Avril Lavine is on-top of the car and is made to look chaotic by using above shot to show the amount of people surrounding them 

Monday 22nd January 2024
 November 23 PPE 
Positive→youth + Romance
rebellion-teen friendship 

Representaion if how someone is presented 

mojo- rock serious, confrontational
classical- calm, relaxed, sophistcated. 
the media language used is very differant which creates differant messages 



  1. 10/10- T1: You need to ensure that you have notes in all the boxes for your radio analysis. Please add a comment into each box.

  2. 21/11- T1: more example points on how the website fits the remit of BBC radio

  3. 16/1- absent, attempt the question following the structure on my blog.

  4. 6/2- T Q3: Make points about how the BBC Radio provide wider content on their radio stations, give examples on Radio 1 and why they have to do this linked to the remit.

  5. MUSIC VIDEOS: you are missing a lot of notes here Abbie. What is here is ok but your answers lack detail and the terminology. (What shot type/movement etc.).
    WWW: you can identify what has been used and link it to an effect
    EBI: use accurate terminology & full sentences.


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